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Who doesn’t love a great hug? Research shows that hugging is effective at healing disease, sickness, loneliness, anxiety, depression and stress. Hugging can decrease physical pain and help with healing. It can also improve cardiovascular health. But did you know that there are different types of hugs? This article will outline the 7 types of […]

Want to know how to attract women? Look no further! Here is a guide for attracting women: Biggest attraction killers to avoid: For more dating advice, or to schedule your personal coaching call today, click HERE. Xoxo, Philadelphia’s Premiere Matchmaker

I hear it all the time “I can’t find a man because I intimidate men.” Believe me, I know this because I used to say it until I realized that all men, including successful, powerful business men and Alpha males, aren’t all intimidated by me. Was I perhaps making excuses for actually pushing men away? […]

Do both you and your partner feel loved and appreciated in your relationship? What is your love language? If you are unsure, it’s time to have a conversation about your love language. There are 5 love languages according to the book, The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman. The different love languages include words of […]

When meeting women in public, or on dates, you must have a killer first Impression. What does this mean? For starters, you need to dress to impress, walk with confidence and have great posture. As you walk, look around and make eye contact with people and smile. Now that you’ve mastered how to own the […]

Many men I work with have no problem getting a first date, but have a tough time transitioning to the second date. Sometimes they are put immediately into the friend zone. Other times, they may just be killing the attraction through actions and/or the conversation. Sometimes there is just no romantic connection, period. Here are […]