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Many men struggle with dating after divorce (even more than women). Many of my male clients claim they never saw it coming as they were busy providing for their family and were under the impression that they were giving their wife what they desired. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, they were completely blind-sided with the […]

Want to know how to attract women? Look no further! Here is a guide for attracting women: Biggest attraction killers to avoid: For more dating advice, or to schedule your personal coaching call today, click HERE. Xoxo, Philadelphia’s Premiere Matchmaker

Many men I work with have no problem getting a first date, but have a tough time transitioning to the second date. Sometimes they are put immediately into the friend zone. Other times, they may just be killing the attraction through actions and/or the conversation. Sometimes there is just no romantic connection, period. Here are […]

Here are some first date tips for men. 1. Plan the date: Pick a location that is comfortable and conducive to conversation. If you’re uncomfortable with staring at each other across the table, then pick something that is interactive. Mini-golf, hiking, a driving range, art galleries etc. are all great interactive first date ideas. 2. […]